Association Managers

CAM University welcomes community association managers to become members of the institution.

We recognize there are many components of managing safe, beautiful, and fiscally healthy communities, and even the most seasoned managers need support. Enjoy the support and benefits you need and deserve by becoming a CAM member.

Besides the educational luncheons and the networking with CAM U business members, what is the benefit of joining as a member versus attending as a CAM guest?
  • CAM Members receive access to special educational resources, forums, and surveys to help grow your CAM University Community (coming in 2023)
  • CAM Members get top-priority placement on luncheon waitlists
  • CAM Members are eligible for the opportunity to enter annual raffles
  • CAM Members are eligible to hold positions on committees
What is the cost of membership for CAMs?

There is no financial investment required for community association managers to become members of CAM University. However, there are certain criteria CAMs must meet to become members.

What are the CAM Member requirements to join CAM U?

To join CAM University, association managers must:

  • Be a licensed community association manager
  • Be employed by, own, or operate, a community association management company
  • Manage at least one association, or manage CAMs (example: regional, director, owner, or operations manager) in some capacity at a community association management company
  • Must be actively working in community associations in some capacity
What if I’m a community associations manager member who is between jobs? Can I still attend CAM U events and classes?

If you are a CAM Member who finds yourself between companies or jobs, you may attend events as a guest of a business member. Please schedule a call with CAM University if you have further questions about this.

Our live luncheon classes and workshops are reserved for active community association managers who either own or are employed by community association management companies and who benefit from the relationships built with business members.

What if I’m a CAM who is retired? Can I still attend CAM U events and classes?

If you are a retired CAM who is interested in keeping in the know and would like to continue with your education, please let us know, and we can provide you with resources for online education. We reserve our live events for CAMs who are both licensed and actively managing community associations or who manage CAMs within a management company.

Can I attend CAM University as a guest if I am not a member?

Yes. You may come as a CAM guest, free of charge, to any of our luncheons. However, you still must:

  • Be a licensed community association manager
  • Be employed by, own, or operate, a community association management company
  • Manage at least one association, or manage CAMs (example: regional, director, owner, or operations manager) in some capacity at a community association management company
  • Must be actively working in community associations in some capacity